The School of Computing in the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science hosts the Logic Summer School each year in December. The LSS@ANU consists of short courses on aspects of pure and applied logic taught by experts from Australia and overseas. In addition to the scheduled courses, there may be practical sessions giving students the opportunity to use web-based logic software.

Why logic?

Modern logic is the foundational discipline of the information sciences. It includes not only the science of reasoning but also computability theory, type theory and other tools for understanding processes, declarative programming, automatic proof generation, program verification and much more. It spreads into planning, into program synthesis, into circuit design and into discourse analysis. It underpins the entire science of artificial intelligence.

Part mathematics, part philosophy and these days part computing science, logic remains a core intellectual study and is increasingly relevant to practical concerns.

Is it for you?

  • IT Professionals For those who use formal methods or problem solving technologies, the Summer School provides relevant knowledge and exposure to contemporary techniques.
  • Teachers The Summer School is an excellent refresher course for anyone who teaches logic, whether in computing, mathematics or philosophy.
  • Students The Summer School provides a unique, high-quality, intensive period of study suitable for students going on to do research in logic or a related field.
  • Anyone The Summer School welcomes anyone who finds the idea of two weeks of wall-to-wall logic enticing. There are no formal prerequisites in attending the Summer School. However, participants are expected to be familiar with the concepts and notation of propositional and first order logic. They will normally have completed at least an introductory logic course at tertiary level and have some background in related disciplines such as pure mathematics, analytical philosophy or computation theory. Anyone in doubt as to whether they have sufficient background knowledge should contact the Convenor at


Address all scholarship applications and all other correspondence to:

The Logic Summer School
College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
The Australian National University

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